
- Florida
Results - Dimitri Rotow, Directions Magazine
- FT.com
- the Financial Times (of London), state by state map with analysis,
donations and more
- US
Presidential Election Maps: 1860-1996 - thematic map of popular
vote and electoral vote
- Roll
Call - not too many maps, but you can search races by zip code or
candidate, one here
by state, too
- Electoral
Polling Map - regularly updated "who
ahead in the polls" map by State
- Scholastic
News Zone - map of electoral votes, with pop up facts about each
state, straight forward explanation of the process for kids (and
- Gallup
- they have the numbers, graphs and charts, broken up many ways, but
alas no maps
- 2000
GIS Industry Political Party Survey -
Glenn Letham, Spatial News
Helps Make Your Vote Count - ArcNews Summer 2000
