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  1. Bureau of Transportation Statistics - GIS Services - data, links, papers

  2. Internet GIS and Its Applications in Transportation - Zhong-Ren Peng, Edward A. Beimborn, TR News, Mar/Apr 1998

  3. The Evolving Role of GIS in Transportation: San Diego�s Experience - Arnold Torma, PE, 1998 ITE District 6 Annual Meeting 1998

  4. GIS and GPS for Transportation - slides, lecture notes from Iowa state, good examples of applications from around the country

  5. New York State DOT MAGIS - as an example, all DOTs are listed here

  6. Discussion of Sign Management Technologies - Road Management Journa, August 11, 1997

  7. Deer-Related Automobile Accidents: Using GIS and GPS to Analyze Trends and Find Solutions - Kevin M. Armstrong, ESRI User Conference, 2000

  8. GIS Traffic Planning Tools - report from Iowa

  9. Getting Connected: Thameslink 2000 -  CAD User, May 2000, using CAD, mapping, GIS and other computer applications to complete one of London's busiest arterial routes

  10. GIS Powers New Brunswick DOT into the Fast Lane - ArcNews Online, Spring 2000


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